You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish...

You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish...
Unless it has strings and tuning pets and a sound whole where the air bladder was

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Here's the Dear I'm most happy I've still got with me. My lovely wife, Christine, who's birthday is today! Here she is showing some of her many talents:

She can use the backside of a deer as a pencil sharpener!

She lets the kids eat popcorn in the living room!

She can grill better than me!

She designed this costume!

Happy Birthday, Sweetie-Pie!
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Like most musicians, I've gone through a lot of gear in my life. Most of it was crap, but there were a few things I sure wish I'd held on to. Like that '65 Gibson SG Junior that I sold for $50, and now sells on eBay for close to $1000. Or my beautiful Sun speaker cabinet with two huge 18" speakers. That monster took up the entire back seat of my '68 Cougar, and it weighed a ton! But compared to bass cabinets today, with those puny 10-inchers grouped together like a fly's eyeball, that Sun was rockin'! I'll take two 18-inchers over four 10's any day! (not in a gay way, though of course there's nothing wrong with THAT :)

Anyway, the one piece of gear I've kept and lovingly guarded since I was 13 years old is my '79 Fender Precision, which is still in mint condition. With the rosewood fingerboard, sunburst body, and black pickguard, I think it's a work of art. Judge for yourself:

The Precision was not my first bass, though. See if you can guess what the young aspiring rocker is plucking in the pictures below.

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Monday, October 8, 2007

Working Musicians

I recently ran into a guy who had travelled from New York to Southern Maryland to just perform at a local county fair. He must not have been paid much, so I assume he did it because he loves what he does.

But here's the kicker -- The guy is a Neil Diamond Impersonator!! He drove hundreds of miles to entertain a few dozen blue-haired ladies in folding chairs, mixed in with guys like me who can't avoid a show like that.

I thoroughly enjoyed both of his shows I attended, as did my wife. In the video, I'm the guy singing "Then he became one!" a measure early.

More power to working musicians like Mr. (almost) Neil Diamond .

The Frog Who Dreamed About Being a King

I Am I Said