You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish...

You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish...
Unless it has strings and tuning pets and a sound whole where the air bladder was

Monday, April 21, 2008

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Riffs

David and I have a lot in common. We both play red Fenders. Mine is a Jaguar Bass, and The King of The Jews is rockin' out on a sweet cherry Strat.

We also both hang our instruments low, for reasons that may differ. I just think it looks cool, but the dude who snuffed Goliath with a slingshot may be hiding another unimpressive-looking weapon (come on, you've seen the statue before :)

But unimpressive or not, David made the best of what God gave him, and the junk he's hiding behind the guitar was good for that babe-a-licious Bathsheba. It even managed to plant the seed that produced King Solomon , the original Wise Guy.

One more difference between us: I was made TO rock, but this guy is made OF rock!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Band that took my Virginity

I've haven't blogged for so long, I must have lots to write about. But that's the catch-22: the longer you go, the more time it's gonna take, so the more you put it off. Ok, no more excuses.

Lately, I've been thinking about all the bands I've been a member of in my life. I've still got a TShirt with the name of my first band, RoXoff, which signifies Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll in one logo. What do you think?